Another monster halibut over 100 kg was caught today (21st of May) and now by the crew on Bobby 12 from Flateyri. Gerd Martensen from Germany (68 years old) was the lucky one when he slide down his 15 cm small rubber fish on a 54 meter deep. The halibut attack the small rubber fish and it took Gerd about one and half hour to land the monster with good help from his freinds on Bobby 12 and Julius Drewes who was fishing few hundred meters from them. The halibut will be scaled tomorro morning in Flateyri and we think it is about 115-120 kg. The measure is 204 cm long and 93 cm wide.
Frank Sartor is also in the crew on Bobby 12 but Frank caught 68 kg halibut on the same day last year and on the same spot. The other members on Bobby 12 was Josef Klein, Udo Trojan and Johannes Grobe. I will put more information on the blog when the weight is official tomorro morning.
Text and photos by Robert Schmidt
Tel: 00354-8404022
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